KPMI® offers the complete line of performance and restoration valvetrain component systems for Harley Davidsons, Sports Bikes, Dirt Bikes,  ATV/UTV's, Jet Skis, Water Ski, Watercrafts, Snowmobiles, Custom Builds, Vintage Motorcycle, and Automotive applications.

KPMI® offers the most complete line of valve guide seals. Select your seal type and then use the diagram and specifications to ensure your valve guides share the same dimensions for a proper fit.

If you have trouble viewing the catalog, click on the image below or the "Read Online" link underneath it.

KPMI® has created this following list, which describes items that are supersessions with similar (but not exact) dimensions and which items are dimensionally identical replacements. This allows you to search by part number to find the proper item for your use.

If you have trouble viewing the catalog, click on the image below or the "Read Online" link underneath it.

​​KPMI® product overview

KPMI® 2025 Component SEAL Catalog

If you have trouble viewing the catalog, click on the image below or the "Read Online" link underneath it.

KPMI® 2025 Product Catalog

KPMI® 2025 Engineering and Custom Work Brochure


AV&V to KPMI®  Crossover Catalog

 KPMI® offers the complete line of performance valvetrain component systems for Harley Davidson M8 application.

If you have trouble viewing the brochure, click on the image below or the "Read Online" link underneath it.

If you are not KPMI® dealer or distributor, please order your copy at   

KPMI® has created this “Engineering Custom Work” brochure to give our customers a snapshot of our custom work capabilities here at KPMI®.

 Many know us for our extensive line of finished goods (valvetrain components) for the motorsport industry.  However, many of our customers are unaware we have the capability to custom design and manufacture one-off prototypes or offer in-house full run production for a variety of motorsport and non-motorsport applications.

If you have trouble viewing the brochure, click on the image below or the "Read Online" link underneath it.